Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Marco Polo Ft. Lil' Fame - "Fame For President"

If things keep coming at this rate, there's a good case for Marco Polo being the most interesting producer of 2013. As you know he's releasing his sequel to one of the best producers album of all time, "Port Authority", this year and as if that wasn't enough, he's even releasing a full "street LP" worth of material that didn't fit the final product for one reason or another. The name of that street album/mixtape is "Newport Authority" and from the five leaks we've heard so far, including this new monster with Lil' Fame, it is probably shitting over 99% of producer albums out there. So far we've got collaborations with Big Daddy Kane, Rakim, The Artifacts and now this fat tape with Slap called "Fame For President"; displaying a emcee/producer chemistry rarely equalled. And just like on the other singles, the immaculate turntbale work by Shylow takes it even a step higher.

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