Monday, April 14, 2014

[Stream] PHAROAHE MONCH - "P.T.S. D."

I bet a lot of y'all have already heard Monch's new album in this day and age of early leaked albums (myself included; though that doesn't mean I'ma pass on picking up the album once it drops). "PTDS (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"), to me doesn't quite reach the heights of Monch's previous classics "Internal Affairs", "Desire" and "W.A.R."  but with each spin the recrd has been growing on me so who knows maybe in a year's time I'll hold this as on the same level as the rest of his catalouge. But don't get me wrong, P. Monch is one of the my absolute favorit artists, and this is another very worthy entry into his catalouge -  slamming beats all the way through, an impeccable vocal performance on all levels, lyrics that very few can even come close to. What I was kind of missing, however, is that real hardcore stand-out track that  each of his previous albums provided ("Simon Says", "Right Here", "Free", "Let's Go", "Clap", etc.). However, I've noticed that "PTSD" constantly keeps growing with each consecutive listen so who knows what I'll think of this album in a few months. 

"PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)" is finally being released tomorrow and MacMediaPromo has been given the go-ahead to upload the entire album for free streaming so if you haven't heard this before, you're definitely in for a real treat (click the player at the top of this page). TURN IT UP!!

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