Friday, November 28, 2014

[Documentary] PHRYME - "Raiders Of The Lost Artk Pts. 1 & 2"

There's so much dope music coming out these last days of 2014. To be honest, I haven't really had to much money to buy records lately, but I am deifnitely going to buy Wu-Tang Clan's "A Better Tomorrow", Ghost's "36 Seasons", Royce Da 5'9" and DJ Premier's "PHryme" and MF Grimm/Drasar's "Good Morning Vietnam Pt. 2". Preem and Royce has always sounded like hip-hop gods together (just check my recent compilation if you missed out on it, that's been really going warm in my iPod since I made it). The album is coming closer every day, with the official release date being December 9, and a couple to three singles have been unleashed on the world so far and all of them have litreally blown my mind. Released on their own PRHYME label, the album is something between an extended play and an LP, as it's made up of nine tracks but as long as they are as incredible as the stuff we've heard so far this should undoubtedly be one of the year's best. 

We¨ve heard and seen the videos for the title song, "U Looz" and "Courtessy" so thats a third of the album there alreaddy, but to me stuff like that has never mattered. If it's a timeless classic which I hope it will it would¨t matter to include a two year old (case in point, 1992:s "Halftime" appeariong on "Illmatic" in the summer of '92). Interestingly enough, its also a sort-of-collaboration with Adrian Younge as all the samples used on the record comes from his catalouge. has premiered a two-part documentary on the album (clocking it at around a total 20 minutes) documenting the process of the album with interview clips incorporated. Check 'em out above, and cick on the links in the second paragrapph to watch the music videos if you missed 'em before. Thanks to Complex for this great evening.

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