Monday, July 11, 2016


This was released almost two weeks ago but I've been sleeping heavily so if anyone else missed out on this excellent official compilation here's another chance to grab once heavily praised Queensbridge emcee Nature's self-put together "album" of some of his finest '90s collaborations and guest spots. Featrures include Tragedy, Blaq Poet, Nas, Noreaga, Pete Rock, Littles, ACD, E Money Bag$ and AZ. Definitely worth a download and a few nostalgic listen - I'm especially hyped to see that Future Flavaz remix that Pete Rock did for "Ultimate High" though I haven't checked yet if he managed to secure the mater tapes for it for this because that would really be something. I think Nature caught a lot of unwarranted flack for the reason that a lot of heads conceived him as the reason that Cormega got pushed out of The Firm but that was hardly in his hands. Enjoy this one y'all; unfortunately no download link as of yet, but stream all you want for free.

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