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Saturday, November 7, 2015

[EP] SHABAAM SAHDEEQ - "Modern Artillery"

One of the original leaders of the Rawkus movement from back in the day, Shabaam Sahdeeq, quickly made his name synonymous with what was then known as real hip hop and to this day he stays dropping hot shit. His latest album, 2013:s "Keepers Of The Lost Art", was one of that years most overlooked LP:s and still gets ocassional play over here. Now Shadeeq is back with yet another project, the seven track EP "Modern Artillery" which's existence I had completely missed out on when limited edition cassettes were pressed up and manufactured for 2015:s Cassette Store Day on October 17. The otherwise digital release is available to purchase and listen to from regular suspects like iTunes, Amazon and Spotify now. A limited edition vinyl run is however also said to be in the workout, so while you're waiting why not stream the entire project via Audiomack below or check out the official music video for the Big Ape produced "Get It" up top.

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