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Sunday, July 9, 2017

[Video] METHOD MAN - "The Classic"

This video has been around for a while but I bet a lot of people missed on it or slept on it, which is a god damn shame because Method Man brings the heat on a solidifed beat. Pure spitting, no hook or nothing. But the reason is that this was originally a track by a cat named Cortez who grabbed Meth for a feature on a remix to his "The Classic". Meth hijacked the shit, cut off everything but himself and put out a video to promote his forthcoming "Meth Lab II: The Lithium" project. You can check out the full version featuring Tommy Boy artist Cortez @ iTunes.

1 comment:

  1. Man I just discovered your page. What can I say except Thank You sir. This looks like I will have a lot of good stuff to read for the months ahead! Not an easy thing to find such an interesting writes about music I love for more than 20 years now. I see you don't post often as prior years, but please don't let this website die, I guess you don't have enough time to be as dedicated, but there is still a lot of people that appreciate what guys such as yourself do, just are too lazy to write a comment about how much it means to them... Keep up the good work!!!
