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Thursday, January 13, 2011

The making of "Illmatic" (XXL)

XXL Magazine sometimes runs this amazing features on the making of certain certified hip-hop classics, by interviewing the producers, artists, guests, engineers, A&Rs, etc. To me the two best hip-hop LPs of all time are Raekwon's "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx..." and Nas's "Illmatic" so it was a true blessing to read both extensive pieces on the creation of both those gems back when XXL published them. I can't remember who scanned the Nas article that make up this post, but I think I got them on some forum, most likely Wu Corp, so if that person sees this and wants his rightfull props then just let me know. XXL published this about a year or two ago but I want to upload them for anyone that might've missed out on them since any true hip-hop head will find these very interesting and informative. Of course you can just click on each picture below to see them in full size or you can download the .rar file at the bottom of this post.


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