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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A TRIBE CALLED QUEST - Unreleased Demo Tape Snippets

I I just saw this posted on Who's Gunna Take The Weight and thought it should definitely get posted. This was put together with DJ Red Alert and The Jungle Brothers' back in 1989 for an ATCQ demo that would later turn into the quartet's first long player, the classic "People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm". These are just snippets of the six songs found on the tape ("Description of a Fool" / "Public Enemy" / "Native Tongue" [Unreleased cut] / "Left My Wallet in El Segundo" / "Dust (My Pal)" [unreleased]) but hopefully this gem will appear in full form sooner or later.

1 comment:

  1. Yo wasup.

    Just want to note that this demo tape was fore sale on Ebay. Someone spent around 1000 USD on it. But Q said on twitter that it is one of 20/30 demo tapes that they gave away between 1988 and 1990 to DJs and record stores/companies. So those snippets is the the only thing you will ever hear for now. Ali also responded saying that this demo tape is not even the very first one. I've been searching the next for unreleased material and demo tapes of ATCQ but its pretty rare. I've got lots of good stuff tho, even live freestyles most have not heard of like when they were at Stretch & Bobbito. Peace
