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Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Thanks to the fantastic DJPremierBlog, we be getting this amazing DJ Premier productions first of any sites, and since it's pretty much impossible to beat Gim at his own game I just have to go ahead and post these tracks with the highest props going out to the homie. The latest to drop from DJ Premier is another overseas production; this time it Slovakian trio Kontrafakt (featuring member Rytmus who's worked with Preem a couple of years back) who contacted Preem for his services for  "S5". 

The track will appear on the trio's upcoming album "Nazvdy", due out very soon for anyone interested. This one goes pretty hard in my opnion, and a great scratch hook by Preem featuring classic lines from Lord Finesse, Blaq Poet, Rytmus and more. Again all thanks goes out to Gim, DJPB and Phat Phillie who uploaded it in the first place.

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