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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

[Mixtape/Comp] HiPNOTT RECORDS - "25 to Life"

HiPNOTT Records has been responisble for a whole lot of interesting music this past year, introducing us to retail material from quality artists including junclassic (w. DJ Bazooka Joe), MidaZ The Beast, Amiri, Spectac, The Regiment, Von Pea / Tanya Morgan, to name some of the most prolific of their roster that have been getting covered a lot here @ The Lost Tapes. 

With the recently formed record label recently celebrating their 25 release, HiPNOTT has cause for celebration and does just that with their brand new compilation "25 to Life". It is a compilation, featuring previously released material in their full versions, and is such not a mixtape - the reason why I added mixtape to the thread/post topic is to distinguish that this is not a Lost Tapes compilation. This dope twenty two track compilation comes highly recommeded, and peace to the homie KevinNottingham and all the artists involved... You can stream for free below or directly via Bandcamp (where you can also buy the download for $7 USD), Physical CD:s can be bought from UGHH (click for complete tracklist including all artists, producers, guests, etc:), FatBeats, and a few other well sorted stores. Enjoy this one!

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