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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

PAPOOSE - "Overpass"

Listeners of Papoose are divided in to two camps - those who feel that he's sill a very dope emcee and that he's still an interesting emcee, and the other camp who feel that he once was a great hope for New York's hip-hop scene but missed his chance by not releasing a proper album when he was real hot, and that the music he's been dropping lately isn't really all that. I am somewhere in between, his long awaited solo album that dropped earlier this year definitely had it's moments, and I think he's a skilled emcee but he does release his fair share of boring material. His new single "Overpass" got some nice things going for it though, from Pap's street scholar delivery, to the haunting GUN laced production. This is the first single from Pap's upcoming mixtape "Hood Season II" (the follow-up to Part 1 which premiered for free @

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